
Railfuture Library

This page a list (sorted into groups) of document files that can be viewed (if your browser has the facility) or downloaded.

Railfuture has 12 branches in England plus Wales and Scotland which are involved in local issues and come together to support Railfuture on national campaigns. Click on [BRANCHES] to see details of them (and click [NEWSLETTERS] for a list of latest newsletter for all branches).

If your browser is not configured to view a file then click the 'file size' to download it.

Annual Accounts for Limited Company

Advice to Rail Users and Campaigners from Railfuture

Annual General Meetings

Articles by Railfuture in magazines

Advertisements placed by Railfuture


Branch eBulletins

Campaigning Literature from Railfuture

Contact Details

Community Rail Partnerships

Discussion Papers

Elections to the Railfuture Branch Committees

Elections to the Railfuture Board of Directors

European Passenger (and International Best Practice)

Expenses Declaration by Directors

Fliers and posters for Conferences and Public Meetings


Herts and Beds

Infrastructure & Networks

Lobbying to Governments and Train Operators by Railfuture

Magazines and Newsletters


London Metro

Miscellaneous Documents and Audio

Marketing, Media and Communications

Non-Railfuture Publications and Leaflets

Networks (Railway, Metro and Tram) and Services


Programmes from Conferences


More info or other links can be found at press releases

Press releases

Presentations from Conferences and Public Meetings

Radio Interviews

Railfuture Application Forms and Leaflets

Railfuture Annual Reports

Rail Action

Reports of Conferences and Events

Railfuture Research, Investigations, Studies and Site Visits

Rail User Group Awards staged by Railfuture

Rail User/Campaign Group Directories

More info or other links can be found at rail user express

Rail User Express

Sample campaigning files that can be edited

Speaker Profiles for Conferences

Statement of Railfuture Policy

More info or other links can be found at Consultation responses


Survey Forms

Updates for Members

Video Recordings


Many of these documents will use the old company name (Railway Development Society Ltd). Since 1st January 2018 we have been Railfuture Ltd.

CAUTION: Older documents may no longer reflect Railfuture's current policies. Contact details may also be out of date: please always get latest details from www.railfuture.org.uk/Contact+Us.

Click on one of the document files shown above or click [IMAGES] to view other types of files