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Railfuture has 12 branches in England plus Wales and Scotland which are involved in local issues and come together to support Railfuture on national campaigns. Click on [BRANCHES] to see details of them (and click [NEWSLETTERS] for a list of latest newsletter for all branches).
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Campaigning Literature from Railfuture
- Devon and Cornwall
31/12/2024 - Railwatch portfolio for Devon & Cornwall, 2024 (5.0MB)
10/04/2024 - Strategy Summary update for Devon and Cornwall regional branch (1.1MB)
31/12/2023 - Railwatch portfolio for Devon & Cornwall, 2023 (6.8MB)
31/12/2022 - Railwatch portfolio for Devon & Cornwall, 2022 (3.1MB)
31/12/2021 - Railwatch portfolio for Devon & Cornwall, 2021 (5.4MB)
29/05/2021 - Strategy summary update for Devon and Cornwall branch (1.2MB)
14/08/2017 - Salisbury to Exeter Route Capacity Enhancements - a proposal by Railfuture (2.0MB)
20/02/2014 - Railfuture campaign for better rail services for the South West of England (327kB)
- East Anglia
07/12/2024 - Email on East West Rail Consultation (113kB)
31/07/2024 - Cambridgeshire Railway Network proposed enhancements (1.6MB)
29/03/2024 - Importance of Ely and Haughley upgrades (172kB)
18/11/2023 - New Geography for East Anglia - A Railfuture Study (4.1MB)
04/06/2023 - Haverhill Rail PowerPoint presentation to CPPF by Railfuture (3.0MB)
13/03/2023 - Haverhill Rail Assessment publication covering letter (195kB)
13/03/2023 - Haverhill Rail Assessment Report (2.0MB)
28/04/2021 - East West Rail article for Cambridge Independent newspaper by Railfuture (6.6MB)
30/06/2008 - March-Wisbech railway line re-opening proposal by Railfuture, 2008 (201kB)
- Freight
16/12/2023 - Railfuture Rail Freight Strategy 2024 (370kB)
04/07/2021 - Ely Area Capacity Enhancements - proposal for grade separation (951kB)
31/07/2020 - Castlefield - a great opportunity for freight (3.1MB)
08/05/2020 - Ely Area Capacity Enhancements - potential Ely bypass (279kB)
06/05/2020 - Ely Area Capacity Enhancements - NR scope (69kB)
- general
- Inf & Networks Group
22/04/2021 - Why Rail Electrification (105kB)
24/02/2020 - Restoring Your Railway fund - Railfuture list to DfT (225kB)
14/05/2018 - Network Development Fund letter to DfT (697kB)
05/07/2017 - Expanding the Railways: how to develop and deliver a proposal (1.3MB)
30/09/2001 - Beeching in reverse - the case for a programme of line and station re-openings (28MB)
30/06/2000 - Branching Out: Railways for Rural Communities - A good practice guide (42MB)
- International
- London and South East
21/01/2025 - Your cheapest fares are at risk from the arrival of contactless (144kB)
08/05/2024 - Railfuture L&SE letter to re-elected Mayor of London (172kB)
08/03/2024 - London Mayoral Election 2024: ''A Rail Manifesto for London'' (216kB)
08/03/2024 - London Mayoral Election 2024: ''A Rail Manifesto for London'' - summary (197kB)
28/08/2023 - Briefing note sent to London Assembly Transport Committee on the demise of the London Travelcard (193kB)
21/10/2021 - Hoo Peninsula Railway - presentation to Gravesend Railway Enthusiasts Society (364kB)
14/04/2021 - London Mayoral Election 2021: "Our Manifesto for rail for the next London Mayoral term" (426kB)
07/03/2016 - London Mayoral Election 2016: "Rail Manifesto for London" (458kB)
2025.01.21- Bank card contactless around London - a situation report (362kB)
Marshlink "High Speed Hastings" 2015 leaflet promoting faster link to London (495kB)
Railfuture "Electrify Uckfield!" 2017 leaflet (323kB)
Railfuture "LUcky Garden Village" 2019 leaflet (388kB)
Uckfield Traffic Improvements - ESCC exhibition 2013 (618kB)
Uckfield-Lewes - 2022 is reopening target (Dec 2013 article) (6.4MB)
Uckfield-Lewes "Bridge the Gap" 2012 leaflet - Link up Sussex (1.8MB)
Uckfield-Lewes "Bridge the Gap" 2013 leaflet - Connect East Sussex (centre-fold) (318kB)
Uckfield-Lewes "Bridge the Gap" 2015 leaflet - two complementary projects (675kB)
Uckfield-Lewes "Bridge the Gap" 2017 leaflet (981kB)
Uckfield-Lewes banner - incremental approach (427kB)
Uckfield-Lewes banners (1.1MB)
- Pamphlets and leaflets
1980 Leaflet - "Invest in Rail! Invest in the Future" (635kB)
1983 General Election leaflet - Do you want to see a modern, attractive rail system (350kB)
1986 - Stop The Highway Robbery - leaflet (3.9MB)
1986 Leaflet - Gainsborough to Barnetby Railway Line - Don't let it close (937kB)
1988 Leaflet - Welcome Back to the St Ives Line (proposing reinstated passenger trains) (909kB)
1990 Leaflet - Bottlenecks - leaflet against route singling to save money (657kB)
1990s Leaflet - 20:20 Vision - Rail policy to get our country back on track (1.6MB)
1990s Leaflet - Alternatives to widening the M25 (438kB)
1990s Leaflet - Gasping for Air (Transport-Related Air Pollution) (1.1MB)
1990s Leaflet - Warning of threat to the railway from 1993 (2.2MB)
1990s Leaflet - Warning of threat to the railway from 1995 (2.6MB)
1990s leaflet entitled A Voice for Rail Users: A Way Through the Maze (1.4MB)
1990s leaflet promoting the Passenger Experience: Did you have a good journey? (1.4MB)
1993 leaflet - Bring back our tracks (list of 10 suggested line reopenings) (2.7MB)
1996 leaflet - Bring back our tracks (list of 26 suggested line reopenings) (2.0MB)
Britain's Railways - Much More for More Less (August 2010) (231kB)
Early 1990s leaflet campaigning for electrification entitled 'Switch on our trains' (2.1MB)
Early 1990s leaflet campainging for passengers entitled 'Rail users need a voice' (1.5MB)
Rail and the environment (2.6MB)
Railfuture campainging leaflet about introduction of Driver-Only Operation trains in 1985 (374kB)
Right track leaflet 1996 (4.5MB)
Unprofitable Lines (1.5MB)
Woodhead is Threatened (323kB)
- Passenger
05/07/2024 - DfT National Rail Contracts expiry dates at June 2024 (110kB)
19/07/2023 - Member Email - Ticket Offices 19 July 2023 (497kB)
11/05/2023 - London Travelcards and the National Rail add-on - Why they should be retained (162kB)
08/05/2023 - TfL Travelcard Demise engagement - Questions asked (78kB)
12/12/2022 - Journeys End for Ticket Offices (553kB)
24/10/2021 - Summary of House of Lords Built Environment Committee Submissions (225kB)
04/02/2021 - Flexible Season Tickets for 2021 - an open letter by Railfuture (401kB)
- Scotland
- Wessex
15/04/2021 - Railfuture Wessex Chair's Notes on Campaigns (107kB)
Railfuture Wessex branch proposals of Development to Rail Services - 2012 (170kB)
Railfuture Wessex branch proposals of Development to Rail Services - 2010 (134kB)
Railfuture Wessex rail enhancement proposals 2009 (26kB)
Improving Rail Services in the South - 2021 (765kB)
Welborne station - pre-GRIP feasibility study, November 2017 (2.1MB)
Welborne station campaign (913kB)
Welborne station campaign - Feb '19 article on need for rail to serve 6,000 new homes (669kB)
Welborne station campaign leaflet (2.2MB)
Many of these documents will use the old company name (Railway Development Society Ltd). Since 1st January 2018 we have been Railfuture Ltd.
CAUTION: Older documents may no longer reflect Railfuture's current policies. Contact details may also be out of date: please always get latest details from
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