News from the East Anglian Branch of Railfuture, edited by Martin Thorne and Jerry Alderson.
Railfuture News Snippets 62 - 16/06/2001
- CHUMMS - A14 CORRIDOR STUDY [all issues]
- Recommendation likely to favour guided busway over reinstated St.Ives line
- Cambridge City ask for public's opinion on Local Plan review
- TRAIN OPERATORS [all issues]
- STATIONS [all issues]
- Extended car park opens at Lowestoft station
- New shelter at Gunton station
- ESTA presses for larger car park at Melton
- STATIONS [all issues]
- LIGHT RAIL [all issues]
- WEBSITES [all issues]
- North Norfolk Railway holds appeal day for Sheringham Station purchase
- Mid-Norfolk Railway purchases line from Dereham to North Elmham
- ROAD SAFETY [all issues]
- RAIL COSTS [all issues]
The Railtrack Network Management Statement for 2001 (part one) is now available for downloading or printing. Note: part two out later this year. Website:
Alix Stredwick, Campaigns Director at Railfuture, is leaving after two years to take up a position at the Centre for Independent Transport Research in London (CILT) []. She will be researching into passenger needs.
Railfuture has recently moved to new offices in London sharing with another active transport group, Dial A Ride Transport, otherwise known as DART. There is also a new telephone and fax number.
Recommendation likely to favour guided busway over reinstated St.Ives line
The final report from the consultants, Mouchel, on the Cambridge-Huntingdon Multi-Modal Study (CHUMMS) is now at the confidential draft stage. It is likely to be published at the end of July 2001 with a decision by the Regional Planning Panel (RPP) in October 2001.
The RPP is due to meet on Wednesday 27 June and will be presented with a "summary of findings". This will be preceded by a press release on Monday 25 June which will contain Mouchel's main recommendations.
It is now fairly certain that the recommended form of public transport will be a guided busway. Mouchel seem, however, to have taken on board that much of this needs to be in place before any major road "improvements".
Cambridge City ask for public's opinion on Local Plan review
Cambridge City Council's Local Plan Review commenced on 11th June with the publication of the Local Plan Issues Report. The full 69-page document can be obtained from the council's website - chapter 4 covers transport.
The public can comment on it until 23rd July, and there are several key issues where feedback is requested: what type of public transport should serve Addenbrooke's and a redeveloped airport; is there a place for trams and guided buses? is there a case for a workplace parking levy?
Cambridge City local plan review:
GB Railways PLC reaches agreement with Railtrack over post-Hatfield compensation
Keywords: [GBRailways]
GB Railways Group Plc has agreed a full and final settlement with Railtrack in respect of claims from the disruption following the Hatfield accident. Railtrack will pay £1,925,000 combined compensation relating to the Anglia Railways and Hull Trains subsidiary companies. GB Railways is continuing to pursue compensation from its insurers.
The settlement announced on 14th June removes the uncertainty over the cash position of GB Railways, and reduces the likelihood of a takeover. Its Chief Executive, Jeremy Long, said the settlement "will permit us to focus further resources on our bid for the new Anglia Franchise and additional bids for franchises such as Wessex and Thameslink ... and will enable us to provide a number of promotional offers and discounted fares this summer, as well as continuing to invest in improved service standards and performance".
GB Railways PLC press release:
At the same time GB Railways announced its half year results. Pre-tax losses widened to £3.3m in the year to 31 March 2001 from £1m a year earlier. Turnover was £87.4m against £86.9m previously. Given a loss per share of 37.1p, shareholders will not be receiving a dividend.
Extended car park opens at Lowestoft station
Keywords: [LowestoftStation]
A new, extended car park has opened at Lowestoft station with 40 extra spaces, taking the total number of parking spaces to over 100.
Anglia Railways press release:
New shelter at Gunton station
Keywords: [GuntonStation]
A new waiting shelter has been provided at the Bittern Line station.
ESTA presses for larger car park at Melton
The East Suffolk Travellers Association is lobbying for the redundant Charringtons coal yard at the East Suffolk line station to be converted into extra car parking spaces. ESTA are also pressing for a bus link to the nearby Sutton Hoo Anglo-Saxon burial site which is becoming increasingly popular with visitors.
Prospects not good for station at Soham
Keywords: [SohamStation]
A report from Railtrack revealed there were no major plans for investment in the town, and the recently published NMS for 2001 (part one) made no mention of a building a new station in Soham.
John Powley, Soham county councillor, said the implications of a station in Soham would be very serious and far-reaching. "Railtrack have decided to improve freight facilities in this area instead" said Coun Powley, who asked officers at County Hall to look into the report. When asked if he was for or against a station, Coun Powley replied he was "neither here nor there". "I'm just interested in improving communications in Soham," he added.
The Lib Democrats lost their seat in Ely and is now Conservative controlled again. Conservative John Powley has been behind the road and pavement campaigns for the town and not much else.
Stansted Airport tempts employees to take public transport to work
Stansted Airport has launched its 10 year company travel plan. The aim to remove 1.2m car trips per year by 2010. There are currently 4m staff car trips per year and this is set to rise to 7m by 2010 if nothing is done. There are around 9,500 workers on the site employed by 130 firms. Existing public transport measures are already having some affect as the number of staff using public transport has increased from 2% to 4% between 1997 and 2001. The target is 10%.
To encourage this shift, staff will be paid £110 each year if they give up their car parking permits. In addition a staff travelcard valid on both buses and trains giving an 80% discount is being introduced. BAA is spending around £300,000 on local bus routes, paid by the introduction of a 25p car parking levy or £10 for staff spaces.
Positive reaction to public meeting proposing Parry People Mover scheme for King's Lynn
More than 100 people attended an open meeting on Thursday 31st May to hear more about a light tramway system which is being put forward as an ideal transport link with a park and ride site earmarked for south of the A47 at Saddlebow under South Lynn's £20 million Nar Ouse Regeneration scheme.
The idea was suggested by Roger Turff and Sheridan Payne, of South Lynn, who invited West Midlands engineer John Parry, the inventor of the Parry People Movers, to talk about his scheme at the London Road Methodist Hall. Afterwards, Mr Turff said he was delighted with the response and encouraged by comments from Mr Parry that Lynn would be an ideal location.
The meeting heard that John Parry had recently quoted £3 million for a 7km PPM system, which is what would be needed for Lynn. Each tram, which holds from 20 to 30 people, costs £250,000. The tram uses electrically-powered vehicles, which do not need overhead wires or electrified rails. It runs on a track which can be installed into existing roads, and does not involve the digging up and moving of underground services required for a supertram ? such as those found in bigger cities such as Sheffield. It is powered by a flywheel mechanism mounted under the floor of the vehicle which drives the vehicle between stops.
Mark Miles, from Norfolk County Council's planning and transportation department, said the council was carrying out a survey to determine the suitability of a park-and-ride for Lynn. The results are expected later this summer.
Anglia Railway puts Commuter Club online
Members of Anglia Railway's free to join Commuter Club, launched in 1998 for daily travellers to London, can now use an online service to manage their travel. The website allows easier booking and access to information plus obtain automatic compensation and view account details. The service, which is available 24 hours a day, is designed to improve customer satisfaction.
Anglia Railways press release:
North Norfolk Railway holds appeal day for Sheringham Station purchase
Keywords: [NorthNorfolkRailway]
The NNR will be holding an appeal day on Sunday 1st July, when they will be running an intensive service of trains and will have a number of special attractions. Starts 10:00. News crews from BBC Look East and Anglia Television, plus local radio will be there. The appeal has raised £80,000 so far.
Appeal website:
Mid-Norfolk Railway purchases line from Dereham to North Elmham
Keywords: [MidNorfolkRailway]
The Mid-Norfolk Railway Trust have exchanged contracts with Raul Property, to buy the four miles of trackbed from Dereham to around 200 metres north of North Elmham station, expanding the railway around 16 miles. The Wymondham to Dereham section of the line has been held by the Trust since April 1998.
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Pete Eldridge, MNR spokesman, said: "We have exchanged contracts but we are waiting to get a Transport and Works Order before we can proceed further. That will allow us to run trains once the line reached the standards of the HM Rail Inspectorate. The line is like a jungle at the moment and there is a great deal of work to do to get it running again." |
The extension of the MNR line northwards brings the possibility of a Norfolk Orbital Railway a step nearer. Its promoters, the Holt, Melton Constable & Fakenham Railway Company, have appointed consultants WS Atkins to assess the engineering & technical work needed to rehabilitate the closed sections of the proposed route, link two preserved railways and find paths on existing Railtrack lines.
More road deaths in Suffolk in 2000s
The number of people killed or seriously injured on Suffolk's roads increased last year in contrast to a downward trend in accident casualties nationally. Latest figures show that in Suffolk there were fifty six road deaths last year, an increase of eight on the previous twelve months, and four hundred and sixty eight serious injuries, up by thirty six.
In Essex, the number of road-related deaths fell from 106 in 1999 to 86, although the number of seriously injured people rose from 1,103 to 1,238 last year. In Britain as a whole, the number of people killed or seriously injured fell by two per cent. There were 320,283 casualties, of which 3,409 were fatal, compared to 3,423 in 1999.
Car drivers prefer light rail but dislike buses
A Government-sponsored report entitled "Transport Choices of Car Users in Rural & Urban Areas" has revealed that motorists put light rail top of the list of preferred transport alternatives. The household surveys, undertaken by consultant Thorburn Colquhoun, were carried out in the Manchester, Bedford, Hull & north Suffolk areas.
Where the money goes
According to a recent article in the Daily Telegraph, the Office of the Rail Regulator employs 135 people and costs £13.2m a year to run. The Strategic Rail Authority employs some 400 staff and costs £35m a year to run.
Railfuture East Anglia Branch News Snippets 62 - 16/06/2001
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