
East Anglia Branch News - Snippets Issue 61 - 01/06/2001

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News from the East Anglian Branch of Railfuture, edited by Martin Thorne and Jerry Alderson.

Railfuture News Snippets 61 - 01/06/2001

In addition to Jonathan Denby from Anglia Railways, Geoff Gowing, General Manager at the North Norfolk Railway, will also be speaking at the Norwich branch meeting. He'll be discussing the Sheringham station appeal, which has now raised £69,000.

Railfuture have a stand at the Histon Feast on Saturday 7th July, 10.00-13.00. Helpers are needed as well as old books and tapes (need not be railway) to sell. Contact Nick Dibben for details.

Election Special

This edition of Snippets is the last before the 7th June 2001 local and general elections. It includes details of the parties, their manifestos relating to transport, and some rail news items from the branch area which have been easy to find. The large number of Liberal Democrat news items is due to superior publicity and perhaps more tangible support for rail. No political bias is intended.


St.Ives Rail line and Soham station included in Liberal Democrat election manifesto

Keywords: [SohamStation]

The Liberal Democrats standing for Cambridgeshire County council say in their manifesto Power for the People: "Liberal Democrats will continue to lobby the government to reopen the Cambridge/St Ives line to heavy rail with an extension to Huntingdon. This will improve commuting to Cambridge for people who live in the Ouse valley as well as giving businesses the opportunity to move freight off the A14 and onto the railways." They will also lobby government to reopen Soham station.

Liberal Democrat candidate calls for station at Addenbrooke's Hospital and for bonds to fund improvements

Keywords: [CambridgeSouthStation]

David Howarth, leader of the ruling Liberal Democrats on the Cambridge City Council claims that public transport is a "shambles", saying that Railtrack needs restructuring as a not-for-profit organisation to enable it to enhance the rail network.

"We complain, with reason, about congestion on the A14, yet, parallel to it, is the disused St Ives to Cambridge railway line. It is madness not to re-open that line." According to the Cambridge Evening News, Mr Howarth also said a station at Addenbrooke's Hospital would ease the parking "nightmare" there and that councils like Cambridge should have the power to issue bonds to fund improvements in public transport.

Liberal Democrat County Councillor active in enlarging Waterbeach station car park

Keywords: [WaterbeachStation]

Liberal Democrat Cambridgeshire County Councillor Jane Coston has, according to her election leaflet, been working hard to extend the station car par at Waterbeach. The leaflet says that a further extension is now being planned.

Liberal Democrats claim success for £2 cheaper Ely to Cambridge rail fares

In Sal Brinton's South East Cambs election newsletter, Liberal Democrats Andrew Duff MEP, Ms Brinton and Councillor Donald Adey are pictured at Ely Station celebrating the reduced rail fare between Ely and Cambridge, which they are claiming credit for. In reality the FLUA are probably most responsible.

Cambridgeshire Labour Party say transport is a key issue

Cambridgeshire Labour's manifesto claims the county has suffered "four wasted years" under the Conservatives at Shire Hall, particularly in education. They say: "We want Labour on the county council to work for the same priorities as Labour in government."

The party highlights transport as a key issue, saying "We believe that only a balance of improvements to our roads. such as the A14, village bypasses and the development of our railways will meet our economic needs while preserving Cambridgeshire as a place worth living in."

Green party candidate for Braintree seeks reopened rail link

Keywords: [StanstedAirport]

James Abbott, Green Party Candidate for Braintree Constituency, has "campaigned for a Braintree-Stansted rail link and against the new A120 which will destroy 500 acres of countryside".

Green Party East of England web-page: http://www.gp-eastern.care4free.net/news-2001_01_05.html.

South Norfolk District Councillor is steam railway fan

Philip Mitchell, Liberal Democrat District Councillor for south Norfolk Council since 1995, describes himself as a steam railways fan and member of the Mid Norfolk Railway.

Philip Mitchell's web-page: http://www.s-norfolk.libdems.org/sncllrs/mitch-p.htm

Manifesto - David Prior - Conservative candidate for North Norfolk

As mentioned in 60, Conservative David Prior supports the Sheringham Station appeal and visited the station with former Prime Minister John Major. He says "I wholeheartedly support the efforts to save Sheringham station. Its importance to the North Norfolk Railway and the proposed Norfolk Orbital Railway cannot be overstated. As a supporter of both public transport and the development of tourism in the North Norfolk area, I am pleased to be associated with this appeal"

Manifesto - Malcolm Moss - Conservative candidate for North East Cambs covering March and Wisbech

As mentioned in 51 and 53, Conservative Malcolm Moss supports further investigation into the re-instatement of passenger trains between March and Wisbech.

Anglia Television's survey shows Lib Dem voters more concerned about transport and environment

Anglia Television has conducted a survey of East Anglian voters' main concerns.

Environment was 8th priority, with 4% of Lib Dem supporters putting it top, 3% of Labour and 1% of Conservative. Transport was 9th in importance, with 3% of Lib Dem supporters rating it top, and 2% each for Labour and Conservative.

When asked "would you be prepared to pay more tax to see an improvement?", 44% said yes for transport and 73% for environment.


Manifesto - Liberal Democrat's pledge to improve 'unreliable' rail service in Party election Broadcast

The Liberal Democrats pledged to end the "misery" Britain's rail users face in their party election broadcast shown on Tuesday 29th May which featured pensioner Jill Whitehead standing on a cramped train and complaining about the "unclean, unreliable and unpunctual" service.

Party leader Charles Kennedy said: "People who use our transport system deserve better. Jill endures a daily nightmare on her regular commute". The Liberal Democrats branded rail privatisation a "disgrace" and promise to introduce tougher regulations to ensure rail companies improve their services.

Manifesto - Labour concentrate on ten-year plan

The Labour Party manifesto covers public transport, particularly rail and trams, in great depth, devoting two pages to it. However, this focuses on £60bn investment in railways and 25 new light rail or tram systems and is merely confirmation of the proposals outlined in the ten year plan released in July 2000.

Manifesto - Conservatives to raise standards of service and safety

The Conservative manifesto barely mentions rail. It says "We will revive the railway industry so it achieves airline standards of service and safety. We will stop Labour's policy of blame and shame. We will implement the Cullen Inquiry recommendations. Subject to a 'no strike' deal we will work with Bob Kiley - who transformed the New York subway - and support his ambitions to create a world class London Underground."

Manifesto - Liberal Democrats will run railways with not-for-profit public interest companies

Their Liberal Democrats will "work to see Railtrack become a not-for-profit, public interest company with all the benefits of renationalisation without the cost. This will end the conflict between passenger safety and profit.

A Sustainable Transport Authority (STA) would take responsibility for the allocation of public funds intended for new developments (as distinct from repair and renewal).

They would modernise the Underground, without compromising safety through a not-for-profit, public interest company funded through bonds.

Manifesto - Greens to encourage more passengers and freight onto the railway

The Green Party would bring rail back into public ownership. Rail franchises would be cancelled, with compensation given only for any money that the franchisee has actually invested in the railway in excess of any profits the franchisee has taken from the railway.

There would be major investment in new rail infrastructure, either along disused lines where applicable, or by building new lines where these would serve perceived demand. New stations would be opened to give all communities reasonable access to the rail service. They supports the further expansion and construction of new light rail systems, with the aim of seeing their introduction into all towns and cities where there is local support.

Some fares would be reduced, by subsidy if necessary, to encourage people to use public transport. They would increase staffing at rail stations to increase passenger's safety, with an aim to increase the number of passengers, particularly women.

The Greens would encourage more freight on rail, particularly by small local firms.

Manifesto - Socialist Alliance seeks rail renationalisation

The Socialist Alliance claims Labour is "just another party of capitalism". Its key pledges are to stop privatisation and includes bringing the railways back into public ownership.

Manifesto - UK Independence Party blame European Union for state of railways in the UK

The UK Independence Party blames the current state of the rail system in the UK on the European Union which is says forced privatisation on the UK. They will use the money saved by leaving the EU to support an integrated transport system with easy transitions between car, bus or train in which cycling and walking are also encouraged.

The UKIP opposes the partial sell-off of the London Underground.

Manifesto - Friends of the Earth say Greens are most environmentally friendly political party

Friends of the Earth claim the Conservatives and Labour fail to take green issues seriously. The environmental campaigners studied the manifestos of the three big parties, and the Green Party. They give the Green Party top score, with the Liberal Democrats second, Labour third and the Conservatives fourth.

Manifesto - Labour pledges to subsidise coach travel - but not rail - for pensioners

The Labour party have announced a scheme to give reduced long distance coach journeys to pensioners. Unlike rail travel, coach operators do not normally offer cheaper fares, but if they introduce half price fares or free passes, a Labour government would allow coach operators to claim back a proportion of the fuel tax. However, they do not propose to change rail fares for seniors or the senior railcard to make rail travel more competitive.

Manifesto - Liberal Democrats to provide free bus travel for over 60s

The Liberal Democrats will offer free off-peak local bus travel for all people aged over 60.

Manifesto - Conservative's fuel tax-cutting manifesto

The Conservative Party are proposing to cut fuel tax by 6p per litre (27p per Gallon) in their manifesto.

Manifesto - Liberal Democrats to reward drivers of cleaner cars

The Liberal Democrats will reduce Vehicle Excise Duty on more environmentally friendly cars and motorcycles - abolishing it altogether for the greenest vehicles. They will fund this by increasing the amount of VED charged on the most polluting vehicles. They also Guarantee not to increase the tax per litre of fuel taken by the government, in real terms, in the next Parliament.

Manifesto - Scottish

Scottish National Party proposes tax cut too

The SNP are also proposing a more restrained fuel tax cur of just over 2p per litre (10p per Gallon).

Websites for political parties

Each of the political parties has a website which includes their manifesto, and a list of candidates standing in each constituency.

Conservatives - http://www.conservatives.com
Greens - http://www.greenparty.org.uk
Labour - http://www.labour.org.uk
Liberal Democrats - http://www.libdems.org.uk
UK Independence - http://www.independenceuk.org.uk

Railfuture East Anglia Branch News Snippets 61 - 01/06/2001

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