
East Anglia Branch News - Snippets Issue 150 - 19/09/2005

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News from the East Anglian Branch of Railfuture, edited by Martin Thorne and Jerry Alderson.

Railfuture News Snippets 150 - 19/09/2005

Members of the Railfuture East Anglia branch will be manning a stall at the Community Rail Fest on Great Yarmouth Station on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th September from around 10:00 to 17:00.

The next Railfuture East Anglia branch meeting will be at 14:00 on Saturday 1st October at the Assembly Rooms in Norwich.

The East Anglia branch website can now be accessed from http://www.railfuture.org.uk/east/, which redirects to the current page.

Members who were at the Railfuture AGM in Peterborough will recall that it was agreed that Life Membership would be introduced from 1st June 2005. Application forms can be obtained from Railfuture Membership, 6 Carral Close, Lincoln LN5 9BD. A sae would be appreciated.

The 2006 Railfuture AGM will be on Saturday 6th May. It will be held at STEAM, the Museum of the Great Western Railway, Kemble Drive, Swindon). Details will be updated on http://www.railfuture.org.uk/tiki-index.php?page=Annual+general+meeting.

The 2005 Rail Users Conference is being held in Manchester on Saturday 5th November from 11:00 to 17:00. A flyer will be included in Railwatch, which is likely to be delayed until mid-October. Full details and a booking form ca be downloaded from the Railfuture website now - see http://www.railfuture.org.uk/tiki-index.php?page=Rail+users+conference. Map for the venue is at http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x=384226&y=397827&z=0&pc=M1+6DD.

The ESTA Autumn Meeting is on Saturday 22nd October at 14:15 at Campsea Ash. Wickham Market station is in the centre of Campsea Ash village and the meeting is in the Victory Hall, opposite the station. Tony Debney of First Eastern Counties will talk about local bus issues.

The Fen-Line Users Association (FLUA) will hold their AGM at the Maltings, Ely on Saturday 19th November 2005. The guest speaker will be Chris Gilson, one of the staff writers for RAIL magazine.

The volunteer-run Epping-Ongar Railway, just a little outside the branch area, will soon be celebrating first year of running passenger services. To celebrate, on Sunday 9th October, there will be an ale train, Barbecue and cab rides on Heather the shunter. Details on http://www.abscond.org/skinner/EOR/Anniversary.htm.

Network Rail's infrastructure plans for the whole country can be found on http://www.networkrail.co.uk/companyinformation/businesspublications/BusinessPlan2005.htm.

Public Transport Statistics from 2004 are now available from the DfT website at http://www.dft.gov.uk/transtat/publictransport.

The SRA has handed over to the DfT a report detailing its work on studying the East Coast Main Line. This 100-page document can be found at http://www.rail-reg.gov.uk/upload/pdf/ECML_Review.PDF.

The next Bramley Line meeting will be held on 28th September, 7.30pm, St. Peters Church Hall.

Cambridge University Railway Club has some interesting speakers before Christmas: 14th Oct: Croydon Tramlink — Stephen Parascandolo; 28th Oct: Wesleydale Railway — director Steve Deane; 11th Nov: Richard Goldson - National Express Rail Development Director; 25th Nov: Route Utilisation Studies — Roland Anderson.

On Tuesday 20th September at 21:00 BBC-1 will be broadcasting "Derailed", a programme about the Paddington crash of 1999.

There are two Transport 2000 organised fringe meetings at the Labour Party Conference at Brighton. On Tuesday 27th September at 12:30 "Growing the Railways" at Thistle Hotel, Kings Road. On Wednesday 28th September at 12:30 "Road User Charging" at Hilton Metropole, Kings Road. The latter requires a security pass but includes lunch. Further details are available from Mike Crowhurst on 0113 286 4844. Mike would like to hear from anyone who is going to any of the Party Conferences.

'one' announces improvements to winter Sunday services on Norfolk branch lines

Keywords: [OneRailway]

The timetable changes in December 2005 will see a major improvement to the Sunday train service between Norwich and Great Yarmouth. It will become hourly all day from 07:30 to 22:30 with 16 trains each way all year round. This will be 60 more trains in winder (up from 10 trains each way) and 14% in summer (up from 14 trains each way). This is a major improvement for Lingwood and Acle, which have not had a winter Sunday service since 1963/4, but will now enjoy a 2-hourly service all year around.

Sundays will also have an extra return trip for the Norwich to Sheringham line. From 12th December the last train will be 20:36 from Norwich, returning from Sheringham at 21:43. Currently the last service is at 18:45 from Norwich, returning at 19:54 from Sheringham. The Bittern Line will have seen a 75% increase in Sunday services since 2000 when the line was resignalled. Another significant improvement for the line has been the introduction of a part-time member of staff at North Walsham station, for the first time in over 40 years.

Whittlesey will also see a winter Sunday service from the December timetable change and there will be minor adjustments to local services in Suffolk to improve connections.

'one's new permanent catering office and store result in see improved catering

The catering operation on 'one's mainline trains between Norwich and London have recently moved from its temporary porta-cabin accommodation into a brand new facility at Norwich station. According to 'one' this will help improve the standard of service offered on the trolleys, buffets and restaurant vehicles. The new catering store is fully air-conditioned and has larger chiller cabinets allowing more stock can be stored including, for the first time, fresh fruit, which will be trialled on the buffet cars.

'one' provided extra trains for Lowestoft Seafront Air Show

Keywords: [OneRailway]

'one' joined forces with Norfolk County Council and the Wherry Lines Community Rail Partnership (including Waveney District Council) joined forces to lay-on extra trains between Norwich and Lowestoft for the Lowestoft Seafront Air Show at the end of July. The additional trains have proved extremely popular over recent years with over 3,000 people regularly travelling by train to the air show.

'one' is runner-up for "Passenger Operator of the Year" award

Keywords: [OneRailway]

'one' has been awarded runner-up position to South West Trains in the Passenger Operator of the Year award in the 2005 National Rail Awards. The judges said it had made "fantastic progress against a major challenge" for implementing the most complex franchise merger so far attempted, managing the Ipswich Tunnel blockade, achieving the overall punctuality target set and introducing service frequency improvements across a number of its routes.

'one' was also a finalist in the Project of the Year award for the initial implementation of the new, unified franchise, whilst two of its stations (Audley End and Stowmarket) were finalists in the medium station category of the Best Station award. The Rail Passengers' Committee for Eastern England nominated the stations prior to their demise in July. The committee was impressed with Audley End station's facilities and friendliness of staff. Then regional director of the Committee, Guy Dangerfield, said he was particularly impressed with the cleanliness of toilets and dedication of the cleaning team.

Inspector submits guided busway inquiry report to Secretary of State but DfT keeps contents secret

The planning inspectorate confirmed that the inspector's report on the Cambridgeshire Guided Busway inquiry was sent to the Secretary of State for Transport on Wednesday 27th July, more than eight months after the inquiry ended.

CAST.IRON immediately wrote to the Secretary of State to confirm it would work in partnership with any other organisation by offering expertise and funding to re-instate a rail service along the route. However, failing this CAST.IRON would at the earliest opportunity:
1. Attempt to acquire from Network Rail the railway line from Chesterton Junction to Fen Drayton;
2. Commence clearance of the vegetation from the line using accepted procedures;
3. Make repairs to the track and level crossings as soon as the line is in CAST.IRON's possession and confirmed in the letter that the funding in place to achieve this.

Meanwhile, CAST.IRON member and chairman of Save Our Station, wrote to the Department for Transport asking for a copy of the inspector's report through the Freedom of invitation Act. However, the DfT have said that it will be released at the time the Secretary of State makes is decision and not before, as has always been standard practice.

Objectors felt that this does not allow them to correct mistakes that the inspector may have made and therefore, in an unprecedented show of unity, the major objectors issued a widely-reported press release calling for the report to be made public. RAGBUS (representing Histon residents) said, "We believe that a strong case was made at the Public Inquiry to expose the errors and problems in the county's proposals. We are anxious to know how the Inspector has balanced all the evidence put to him during the Inquiry. A rejection of Cambridgeshire County Council's Transport and Works Act application would give the Council (and their consultants) the opportunity to think again and to take on board the many insights brought by the objectors." Simon Norton of Cambs and West Suffolk Transport 2000 said, "We believe that the issue is of vital importance in relation to issues such as the A14 upgrade, Northstowe planning application and Cambridge Local Plan, yet the public have had to comment on these issues without having the benefit of the Inspector's findings." Tim Phillips of CAST.IRON criticised the council for continuing to spend tax-payers money before a decision is made saying the inquiry that completely failed to placate the vast majority of the 2,741 objectors. and asked "Is this really democracy at work?"

Cambridgeshire County Council conduct intrusive work on St.Ives and Trumpington routes

Consultants working for Cambridgeshire County Council have, since August, been clearing vegetation from a strip along the railway line. Initially starting between Over and Swavesey railway station they have continued eastwards to Histon and Cambridge Science Park. The clearance has allowed a landrover towing a small rig can get along there to drill test holes. They are removing soil from holes 2-3ft deep, every 60-70 metres along the track. According to Bob Menzies, Head of Delivery for the Guided Bus Team, they are not pre-empting the decision by government. The work was approved at Cabinet in September 2004. They had started this work early in 2005 but had to stop due to bird nesting.

East Anglia MPs complained to 'one' about poor train punctuality

Keywords: [OneRailway]

In the summer several East Anglia MPs met 'one's managing director Tim Clarke and Network Rail's Stuart McVernon to discuss poor punctuality of 'one' services. The MPs asked for a meeting after disclosure of performance statistics on peak-time services between Norwich and London for 12th December 2004 to 5th May 2005 showed than one out of three trains were significantly delayed and almost one in five trains on an early-morning service to London were cancelled.

The service with the worst delays was the 06:55 Norwich to London, which had just 65.3% of trains arriving within 10 minutes of scheduled time and 17% of the scheduled trains on that service cancelled. The 18:00 back to Norwich fared only a little better with just 66.3% of trains being on time. According to the Eastern Daily Press, Jonathan Denby, head of corporate affairs for 'one', said: "These trains are not a true reflection of the whole performance over the last 15 months ... or the experience of the majority of passengers with us. In terms of cancellations, if you are in a position where you have to cancel a train, the 06:55 is the least disruptive because there is a train 15 minutes later at 07:10."

"Foolhardy" driver fined for smashing through level crossing barrier

A "foolhardy" driver who smashed through a level crossing across the A1122 at Downham Market on 15th November 2004 and shunted the barrier into the path of an oncoming train having been distracted after dropping a CD was fined £160 and given seven points by King's Lynn magistrates in July. Unlike many drivers he immediately drove to a police station to report the incident.

Cambridgeshire County Council proposed £15m bypass to avoid lorries bashing Ely railway bridge

Cambridgeshire County Council have included proposals for the £15m Ely Southern Bypass as part of their transport plan. Funding for the bypass was refused in December 2004 when government asked the council to consider a holding lane for lorries. The country council have now submitted their funding bid a second time.

The new road, which the council would like to see built by 2011, would bypass the rail bridge over the A142 and solve a traffic bottleneck that is blamed for causing gridlock in the surrounding area. The railway bridge is the third most frequently struck bridge in Britain having been hit 143 times in the last 10 years. In 2001 £500,000 was spent marking the bridge with high visibility signs and installing an infra-red detection system, which flashes at drivers if their vehicles are too high, was installed in 2001. The bridge itself has been strengthened to help reduce the amount of damage if it is struck by a vehicle.

SRA analysis of rail costs says East Anglia passengers subsidise rail routes elsewhere in Britain by £1m a week

According to the Strategic Rail Authority's annual report, in its first year of operation 'one' paid £44.9m back to the government in franchise premiums, equal to 1.2p per passenger per kilometre. In comparison WAGN paid the government £500,000. In fairness to other operators, the profitability of 'one' depends quite heavily on how fare revenue is distributed. For example, Central Trains' Liverpool-Norwich service didn't required subsidy until the last re-allocation.

Speaking to the Eastern Daily Press, Jonathan Denby, corporate affairs director for 'one', said: "These figures show what some passengers might not be aware of - East Anglia's railways are profitable but a large part of the network nationally is not. As a result, a great deal of the money generated on 'one' routes goes straight to the Government. Although we remain a profitable company, we have to operate under tight financial constraints and our franchise is more heavily regulated than previous franchises. That does restrict the amount of investment that we can undertake."

Analysis of TOC passenger figures makes interesting reading

The recently published Annual Report 2004/05 for the just abolished Rail Passengers Committee for Eastern England showed train and passenger statistics for 2004/05. When analysed these reveal the following: * Average loadings: GNER 216, c2c 133, 'one' 121, WAGN 103, Central 46
* Average passenger distance: GNER 230km, WAGN 37m, Central 35km, 'one' 34km, c2c 28km
* Average train distance: GNER 437km, WAGN 92km, Central 77km, c2c 59km, 'one' 53km.

Passengers on 'one' trains travel a much longer proportion of the route (64%) than passengers for the others (GNER/c2c 49%, Central 46%, WAGN 40%).

National Express faces competition inquiry for its Thameslink/Great Northern franchise bid

The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) has referred National Express Group's bid for the Thameslink/Great Northern franchise to the Competition Commission. The CC has been asked to consider whether the takeover of the Thameslink services to Gatwick Airport by NEx, which also runs Gatwick Express, may result in a substantial lessening of competition. In Septemebr the CC published an "Issues Statement" explaining that it ntends to concentrate principally on the effect of overlapping rail and coach services between London and Gatwick Airport, Luton, Luton Airport and Bedford. It is expected to reply by 17th January 2006, which is after the DfT is expected to announce the winning bid.

Evidence can be submitted to: Nigel Dorling, Inquiry Secretary (National Express/Thameslink), Competition Commission, Victoria House, Southampton Row, London WC1B 4AD or email: nigel.dorling@competition-commission.gsi.gov.uk.

Central Trains' franchise is extended for two years prior to major shake up

Keywords: [CentralTrains]

Alistair Darling, Secretary of State for Transport, announced on 18th October that the Central Trains franchise would be extended until November 2007, prior to its abolishment with routes being merged into three other franchises (Silverlink, Midland Mainline and Cross Country). Three new franchises wlll be created: East Midlands, West Midlands and an expanded Cross Country. The Midland Mainline franchise, which currently runs to April 2008 having already been extended by two years, will be curtailed to end at the same date as Central Trains.

The Norwich-Liverpool service will be covered by the East Midlands franchise, whilst Stansted Airport will be served by Cross Country, although it wll not see Voyager stock used. Railfuture has demanded that the important long distance service between Norwich and Liverpool should be retained and not be split at Nottingham, which is a possibility.

The DfT has ot ruled out transferring sone of the services to Chiltern Railways or TransPennine Express if better value for money can be established.

Former Rail Passengers Committee submitted its rail service wish-list to national RPC before its demise

Before its abolition on 24th July, the former Rail Passengers Committee for Eastern England produced its Final Report and Passenger Priorities in Eastern England. The list of priorities are the campaigns that it is handing over to the new beefed-up national Rail Passengers Council.

The committee's specific priorities in the branch area included:
* Hourly frequency on Peterborough to Ipswich route, probably in two phases;
* Hourly frequency on Ipswich to Lowestoft route, probably in two phases with first being Ipswich to Saxmundham;
* Two trains per hour on Norwich-Great Yarmouth route;
* Return to 2 trains per hour for Wymondham and Attleborough stations;
* Improve punctuality on Stansted-Birmingham services;
* Increase capacity at Peterborough station;
* Increase number of seats on Great Northern route up to King's Lynn;
* Opening of Chesterton station;
* Refurbishment of Class 365 trains on Great Northern route within the next five years.

RPCEE also called for the raising of standards at stations (e.g. cleanliness, speedy repairs) and increase accessibility.

Sudbury branch line upgraded with continuous welded rail

Keywords: [SudburyBranch]

Between 9th and 25th July Network Rail's contractor Balfour Beatty replaced jointed track with continuous welded rail on a three-mile stretch of the Sudbury branch between Chappel & Wakes Colne and Bures stations. Passengers will now have a smoother and quieter ride and it potentially allows trains to go faster (in certain places) in future.

APEX tickets now available for single journeys to increase flexibility of cheap travel by train

GNER is one of several long distance operators who are now offering a range of advance purchase single fares from the timetable change on 25th September. For the first time, passengers will be able to mix-and-match outward and return journeys using separate single tickets to get the best value fares on every train. It will even be possible to 'mix and match' between Standard and First Class for return journeys allowing passengers to benefit from discounts available on quieter off-peak trains.

New local charter train operator

New charter train operator East-West Railtours, which is based in Ipswich, is planning to operate its first trip from Felixstowe to Oxford, Warwick & Stratford-upon-Avon on Saturday 15th October 15th. It will include stops at Newmarket and Cambridge. Cotswold Rail is the rolling stock and traction provider.

GNER Mark IV fleet upgrade only weeks away from completion

Keywords: [GNER]

By the end of October 2005 all 302 carriages in GNER's 30-strong 225 Mark IV fleet will have been transformed into new-look 'Mallard' trains. Twenty-five of the refurbished trains were already in passenger service by the summer. In will have cost £1m to give each of the 17-year-old interiors a total make-over.

'one' produces new 'quick reference' timetables following survey of customers

Keywords: [OneRailway]

'one' will be continuing its initiative launched with the summer timetable of providing a range of 15 single-line pocket timetables, which were introduced in response to feedback from customers. Example timetables were from London Liverpool Street to Clacton and Walton-on-Naze; to Harwich; and to Norwich. These are intended to benefit regular commuters who make the same journey every day and therefore do not require the larger timetable booklets.

Sheringham Evening Women's Institute celebrates 20 years of tending to West Runton station gardens

Keywords: [WestRuntonStation]

In the summer Sheringham Ladies clocked up 20 years of maintaining and developing the stations at West Runton. In recent years they have become the official adopters of the station and also report any areas that need repair or attention to 'one'.

Cambridgeshire county councillor tells Soham residents not to waste time campaigning for station reopening

Keywords: [SohamStation]

Residents in Soham, Cambridgeshire, have been campaigning to re-open their station for about 10 years but have got nowhere. Now County Councillor John Powley has sent a letter to Soham Town Council telling them "not to waste their time" campaigning for a station because increasing freight transportation through the town means the railway industry will not consider reopening the station.

County council officers have commissioned a number of studies relating to Soham station for 10 years and, according to council cabinet member for transport John Reynolds, none have provided a positive business case for a station since the main demand for travel is to Newmarket and Cambridge - neither of which is served by trains that call at Soham.

Waterbeach station gains customer information screen

Keywords: [WaterbeachStation]

Electronic customer information screens have been operational on both platforms at Waterbeach station since July 2005. The screens how the next two train services and indicate expected arrival times.

Cambridge station is 4th most patronised station on East Coast Main Line services

Keywords: [CambridgeStation]

In the SRA's ECML handover document given to the DfT, figure 3.5 'Most patronised stations' places Cambridge as 4th in list of stations served by trains that use the ECML. It with 6.5 million trips per year, which compares with the 25m at King's Cross. Impressively Cambridge has many more passengers than stations that are on the ECML:
* York - 6m
* Newcastle - 6m
* Peterborough - 4m
* Stevenage - 3.7m
* Doncaster - 3m.

Car park at Beccles station dependent on plannng approval for other developmenrs

Keywords: [BecclesStation]

There are plans to provide Beccles station with a station car park for the first time. This would use derelict land but only as part of a scheme to use the rest of the land to build seven homes plus a children's nursery and care home. However, planners disliked the design of the three-storey care home, and criticised the nursery building for being bland. Waveney District Council is insisting that the entire project should be approved before any one part could go ahead.

Filming at two heritage railways including "Dalziel and Pascoe"

Keywords: [MidNorfolkRailway] [NeneValleyRailway]

The BBC has recently filmed an episode of the contemporary crime drama series "Dalziel and Pascoe" at the Nene Valley Railway's station at Wansford, which has been disguised as a fictional Yorkshire railway station. The story involves an accident between a coach and a train at a level crossing. Behind the scenes footage was broadcast on BBC Look East.

The Mid-Norfolk Railway's County School station has seen filming by Capriol Films, a local company set-up to make music and arts films in Norfolk. They were making a 1920's film about the life of composer Philip Heseltine, who wrote under the name Peter Warlock.

Save Our Sleeper website nets more than 3,300 petition signatures

The http://www.saveoursleeper.com website, which includes an online petition has amassed more than 3,300 signatures. Joint Chairman Andrew Roden was interviewed on the Night Riviera sleeper on BBC News 24 on 14th September.

Details about the sleeper are on http://www.firstgreatwestern.co.uk/atyourservice/sleeper.php. You can book direct with FGW on 08457 000125.

National Rail website travel planner gets long-needed make-over

The National Rail website (http://www.nationalrail.co.uk) has been modernised and refreshed to make it easier and faster to use although their public relations department acknowledge the changes are "mostly cosmetic".

Eurostar website enhanced following fare and rewards restructuring

The http://www.eurostar.com website has been updated to support the new Frequent Traveller rewards scheme based which is based on the price paid so that all travel now earns points.

SRA website frozen as majority of its role is taken over by DfT

From 22nd August 2005 the http://www.sra.gov.uk website has no longer been updated. According to a message on the home page it "will remain as a reference point."

Wisbech-March Bramley Line website taken down whilst a new site is designed

Keywords: [WisbechBranch]

The Bramley Line has changed its website to http://www.bramleyline.org.uk but currently just has a temporary holding which says: "We've made the decision for a total website redesign...the current website did not reflect a suitable level of professionalism as we advance with our campaign." It will take some time for the new site to be launched as the person updating our new website is out of the Country quite a lot.

The heritage group now has 95 members. According to the minutes of the last meeting, Network Rail wants to see a business plan with costings prior to meeting the Bramley Line again. One will be prepared. They will not initially have access to March station and are looking at putting a line in under Norwood Road at a later date. Initially the line to stop short of Whitemoor junction with the NR boundary being a train length from exit signal. NR has said that it will honour commitment made by John Armitt about replacing the rails on the A47 crossing. The Office of Rail Regulation has objected to the change of status (i.e. the closure) of the line.

Relaunched website for Cambridge to Colchester Railway Development Company

The Cambridge to Colchester Railway Development Company/Cambridge-Sudbury Rail Renewal Association now has a new website at http://www.ccrdc.co.uk. The website has been designed by the person who has been operating the Sudbury Line website for more than a year.

Northampton & Lamport Railway also relaunches its website

The Northampton and Lamport Railway, a short distance westwards from the branch boundary now has a new and very professionally laid out website: http://www.nlr.org.uk.

Green Transport News should be obtained from National Trust website in future

In future hard copies of "Green Transport News" (a National Trust publication) will be limited. Instead it will be available on the Trust's website at http://www.nationaltrust.org.uk.

Railfuture East Anglia Branch News Snippets 150 - 19/09/2005

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Railfuture is a non-profit making pro-rail campaiging organsaiton, which is run entirely by unpaid volunteeers, incluoding production of Rail News Snippets for the East Anglian branch of Railfuture.

How we spell Railfuture — singular, one word, one capital letter (can be abbreviated to Rf).