Click ALL BRANCHES to see a list of all branches.
Click NEWSLETTERS for links to the latest newsletter for each branch and TWITTER to see a list of all Railfuture Twitter accounts showing the number of tweets and followers including date of last tweet.
For Railfuture branch contact details across Britain please see Who's Who (PDF). Please do not send direct messages to Twitter accounts for important requests as they are not all monitored frequently.
Dashboard for Railfuture Scotland
Contact by e-mail: scotland at
X/Twitter account: @RailfutureScot
Branch information: click MAIN PAGE for the main page containing branch activities and campaigns
If your browser is not configured to view a file then click the 'file size' to download it.
Magazines and Newsletters
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 79 - September 2023 3.3MB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 78 - April 2023 2.6MB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 77 - November 2022 905kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 76 - May 2022 3.5MB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 75 - October 2021 1.8MB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 74 - October 2020 1.1MB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 73 - March 2020 1.2MB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 72 - March 2018 1.5MB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 71 - November 2014 215kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 70 - March 2011 352kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 69 - March 2010 197kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 68 - November 2009 445kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 67 - March 2009 409kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 66 - November 2008 395kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 65 - March 2008 653kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 64 - November 2007 482kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 63 - March 2007 391kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 62 - November 2006 388kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 61 - March 2006 391kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 60 - October 2005 633kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 59 - March 2005 180kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 58 - October 2004 235kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 57 - April 2004 994kB
- Railfuture Scotland News Issue 56 - November 2003 358kB
Campaigning Literature from Railfuture
Non-Railfuture Publications and Leaflets
- 01/11/2022 - FoWHL newsletter extract - Gold RUG Award for Best Website 2022 (849kB)
- Rail User Group Awards 2017 - Best Newsletter FoFNL (133kB)
Press releases
- 03/10/2013 - Dalmeny chord press release (99kB)
- 17/06/2012 - Rail campaigners who came to Scotland from across Britain want to copy Scottish Rail Successes (323kB)
- 30/05/2012 - Rail campaingers will be going to conference in Stirling to hear about Scottish successes (189kB)
Presentations from Conferences and Public Meetings
- 13/07/2024 - Presentation by Allen Armstrong on Levenmouth Rail Campaign's Judges' Special Award (1.7MB)
- 30/09/2023 - ScotRail presentation to Railfuture Scotland Autumn 2023 meeting (2.7MB)
- 15/07/2023 - Presentation by Rail Action Group, East of Scotland's Tom Dickson with Chair Barrie Forrest on their Award (8.1MB)
Radio Interviews
- 11/08/2024 - LBC News Neil Middleton Scotrail poor performance (1.3MB)
- 11/05/2023 - BBC Radio Scotland BW transpennine (1.9MB)
- 01/04/2022 - BBC Radio Scotland Jane Ann Liston renationalisation (4.0MB)
- 16/02/2020 - Christian Wolmar and Bruce Williamson on BBC Radio Scotland about Beeching etc (13MB)
- 10/10/2018 - Bruce Williamson on BBC Radio Scotland about the introduction of 125s to ScotRail (1.3MB)
Railfuture Research, Investigations, Studies and Site Visits
- 26/07/2023 - Railfuture Scotland submission to Transport Focus Ticket Offices consultation Summer 2023 - Glasgow Central (Avanti West Coast) (101kB)
- 01/10/2021 - Railfuture Scotland response to ScotRail May 2022 timetable proposals "Fit for the Future" (185kB)
- 25/04/2019 - Railfuture Scotland response to Edinburgh Waverley MasterPlan (18kB)
- 06/04/2012 - Railfuture Scotland Response to Rail 2014 (162kB)
- 12/01/2011 - Railfuture Scotland response to Network Rail's Scotland RUS (255kB)
- 08/08/2019 - Map of Levenmouth connection to Fife Circle (55kB)
- 25/10/2016 - Railfuture Scotland's proposals for the Grampian Rail Service (440kB)
- 19/10/2016 - Railfuture Scotland's proposals for the Tayside Rail Service (451kB)
- 19/07/2016 - Railfuture Scotland's vision for Fife rail services (170kB)
- 13/07/2024 - Gold Award for Best Campaign presented to Jordon Jack of Campaign for North East Rail (Scotland) (464kB)
- 13/07/2024 - Gold Award for Best Campaigner presented to Simon Walton as former Chair of Campaign for Borders Rail (472kB)
- 13/07/2024 - Judges' Special Award presented to Allen Armstrong of Levenmouth Rail Campaign (57kB)
- 29/07/2023 - Gold Award for Best Campaign held by RAGES Chair Barrie Forrest and Vice-President Paul McLennan MSP at Haddington Farmers Market (3.5MB)
- 15/07/2023 - Gold Award for Best Campaign presented to Tom Dickson & Barrie Forrest of Rail Action Group, East of Scotland (1.9MB)
- 28/04/2023 - Gold Award for Best Website to Friends of the West Highland Lines on display at their AGM (275kB)
- 16/07/2022 - Gold Award for Best Website presented to Friends of the West Highland Lines (231kB)
- 16/07/2022 - Railfuture Campaigner of the Year 2022, Jane Ann Liston (508kB)
- 21/03/2021 - Glasgow rail choice (366kB)
- 08/08/2019 - Cameron Bridge station and distillery on Levenmouth route (91kB)
- 04/01/2019 - StARLink Convener Jane Ann Liston (right) (58kB)
- 18/06/2016 - Good-quality staff building at end of the line Tweedbank station but just a shelter for passengers (56kB)
- 18/06/2016 - Long platforms for charter trains at end of the line Tweedbank station (44kB)
- 18/06/2016 - Zig-zag ramps are provided at Newtongrange station but no direct stairs for the able-bodied (80kB)
- 04/09/2015 - Borders unwrapped marketing banner (38kB)
- 09/08/2015 - Mothballed Levenmouth rail line that Railfuture wants to see reopened (103kB)
- Computer Video Of Edinburgh Gateway Station Escalators, Stairs And Lift Between Levels (57kB)
- Computer Video Of Edinburgh Gateway Station Shows Continuous Canopy From Gyle Shopping Centre (53kB)
- Computer Video Of Edinburgh Gateway Station Shows Tram Platforms And Track Fully Covered By A Canopy (51kB)
- Computer Video Of Edinburgh Gateway Station Shows Unpaid Fares Windows Before Barriers (30kB)
- Computer Video Of Edinburgh Gateway Station With Seats Close To Lifts In South Waiting Room (26kB)
- Computer Video Of Edinburgh Gateway Station With Ticket Office Windows And Barriers (48kB)
- Computer Video Of Edinburgh Gateway Station's Mainline Platforms (48kB)
- Edinburgh Gateway station bicycle stands and canopy on the walkway to the station (1.5MB)
- Edinburgh Gateway station has a lift between levels (2.2MB)
- Edinburgh Gateway station has seats recessed into the wall to provide some sound and wind protection (1.6MB)
- Edinburgh Gateway station with seats close to lifts in south waiting room (2.6MB)
- Winchburgh Tunnel track lowering in summer 2015 to create clearance for overhead wires (159kB)
Many of these documents will use the old company name (Railway Development Society Ltd). Since 1st January 2018 we have been Railfuture Ltd.
CAUTION: Older documents may no longer reflect Railfuture's current policies. Contact details may also be out of date: please always get latest details from