
East Anglia Branch News - Snippets Issue 99 - 02/09/2002

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News from the East Anglian Branch of Railfuture, edited by Martin Thorne and Jerry Alderson.

Railfuture News Snippets 99 - 02/09/2002

The next Rail Passengers Council meeting is at the Congress Centre, London at 10:30 on Wednesday 11th September. Speakers will include SRA chairman Richard Bowker on the SRA's fares consultation. There will also be sessions on minimising disruption to passengers from possessions, and the ERTMS train management (and safety) system. Anyone planning to go should contact Caroline Jones at the RPC [caroline.jones at railpassengers.org.uk].

Uneventful GB Railways Annual General Meeting

Keywords: [GBRailways]

Anglia Railways' parent GB Railways PLC held their AGM on 21st August. Because the company had been in a protracted 'offer period' and - since Freightliner's interest in acquiring part of the business - again finds itself in that predicament, the directors were unable to disclose much financial information, even to shareholders. Commercial confidentiality also prevented them revealing their proposals for the Greater Anglia franchise.

The directors confirmed that their new agreement with the SRA meant that, providing Anglia did not run the operation into the ground, the SRA would ensure that they broke even, and both parties would share in any unexpected profits at the end of the term. They did not expect their franchise to be cut short, and because the SRA had yet to fully specify the new franchise, an extension beyond April 2004 was possible. Whilst they were forced into a joint bid for the Wales and Borders franchise (with Connex) because the SRA said "big is beautiful", they may bid alone or with a partner or an "eachway bet" for Greater Anglia. Richard Drake is leading their bid.

GB Railways were "very disappointed" that the SRA decided to withdraw funding for Crosslink, but decided to "be adult about it" and not criticise the SRA in public. They had tried hard to change the decision. No staff will be made redundant, but will be transferred to Cambridge-Norwich and other services.

Hull Trains are still in negotiation for 125mph trains, with an announcement expected for late 2002. The SRA insists they must break their reliance upon Anglia crews and rolling stock by 2004. New services will be a primary objective.

National Express publishes their Greater [East] Anglia franchise brochure on WAGN website

Keywords: [WAGN]

Anyone wishing to see the Greater Anglia brochure that National Express handed out at their recent roadshows can get a copy from the WAGN website http://www.wagn.co.uk.

Anglia Railways provides additional services for winter timetable

Keywords: [AngliaRailways]

As well as commencing the Cambridge-Norwich service, Anglia are enhancing their other services during the winter timetable which runs from Sunday 29th September 2002 to Saturday 17th May 2003.

There will be extra services on the Wherry lines on weekday mornings and Saturday evenings, plus additional Saturday return services on the Ipswich-Peterborough and Ipswich-Cambridge routes. Four Saturday morning trains from Liverpool Street to Norwich will also call at Stowmarket and Diss to benefit shoppers, as will four trains returning in the afternoon.

Proposal for new rail link into far end of Stansted terminal building from Elsenham station

Keywords: [ElsenhamStation]

Visitors to the Stansted airport expansion public meeting were shown three maps of how the airport could be expanded with one, two or three new runways. No new rail lines were envisaged if just a single new runway is added, but proposals for two or three runways suggest a new rail link from the north.

A new line could be built from Elsenham eastwards curving down southwards into the other end of the terminal building. This would provide:
* an alternative to boring a second tunnel beside the current one
* a new route for Cambridge trains
* potential for non-reversing through trains between London and Cambridge (and beyond)
* space for additional bay platforms.

The maps did not show a link eastwards to the Great Eastern main line.

Life saving equipment and staff trained at WAGN and FGE stations

Keywords: [WAGN]

Two defibrillators have been installed at Cambridge station as part of a Government programme to provide life saving equipment in busy public places. Twenty-six Cambridge Wagn staff have been trained in basic life support by Essex Ambulance Service. Chelmsford, Romford and Colchester are among seven stations on First Great Eastern lines where the equipment has been installed.

Lift refurbishment on-going at Stevenage station

Keywords: [StevenageStation]

According to WAGN, £165,000 is being spent at Stevenage station to improve access. The three lifts, originally installed when the new station was built in the 1970s, are currently undergoing extensive refurbishment and improvement. Two are completed and back in action. The third should be in early autumn.

Histon Station building looking for new tenant

Keywords: [HistonStation]

Histon station building is currently empty, the former business occupant having relocated elsewhere. A sign announces that the building is 'to let'.

Central Trains reduces off-peak travel to help reduce peak-time overcrowding

Keywords: [CentralTrains]

Central trains have implemented a 5% reduction in saver fares, which are not valid before 09:00 weekdays on the outward journey, from the start of the winter 2002/3 timetable. Supersaver fares have been dropped from the longer distance journeys. Central aim to shift some peak-time travellers to off-peak to reduce overcrowding, though the ticket limitations may force some passengers off trains altogether.

FGE train painted to promote east of England

For 12 months a First Great Eastern train will have an all-over "East of England" livery including the slogan "Space for Ideas", which the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) launched in January to promote the region as a location in which to live, work, visit and invest. The train will operate out of Liverpool Street and will run as far north as Ipswich.

'Bone Breaker' railtour lives up to its name

The class-58 farewell tour entitled 'Bone Breaker' lived up to its name when it hit the buffers at Walton-on-the-Naze station at 13:50 on Monday 26th August. Over 400 passengers were aboard the train made up of two diesel locomotives and 10 carriages. Although the 5mph impact was very minor, with no visible damage to the train or buffers, one person broke their leg and another had cracked ribs. Another 29 required minor medical attention at the scene. Many passengers were stood or moving forward to disembark and the impact threw people off balance, dislodged items from luggage racks, threw drinks, etc. Whilst most of the media played down the story, BBC Ceefax made it the lead story for the rest of Bank Holiday Monday.

It had been reported as a major incident with at least 2 ambulances, 2 paramedic teams, 4 fire engines and several police vehicles arriving. Although this incident did not warrant such attention, in August 1997 a train crashed into the buffers at 50mph at the same station, causing major damage.

Documentaries and docu-dramas about recent British rail accidents planned for 2003

BBC-1 plans to show a major documentary in 2003 on the May 2002 Potters Bar rail crash. It will focus on the British Transport Police investigation into the accident. It may be screened around the same time as a new docu-drama on the Paddington and Hatfield accidents.

Another vehicle on level crossing struck by train

Around 09:20 on 28th August an empty three-carriage class 170 Anglia Railways train travelling from Norwich to Ipswich hit a transit van - allegedly used for fly tipping - on the AHB level crossing at Baylham, which is between Ipswich and Needham Market. The train driver saw the van and braked, preventing damage being done to the train, although the front of the van was crushed on impact and damage was also caused to a level crossing barrier. The line was reopened less than three hours later.

The driver and other occupants made off, but following a search with dogs and a helicopter police arrested three men on suspicion of failing to stop after an accident and obstructing a railway line with intent.

Anglia Railways traincrew commended for professionalism after level crossing incident

Keywords: [AngliaRailways]

Two Anglia Railways traincrew members - driver Nigel Fisher and conductor Robert Williams - have been nominated for a National Safety Award for the care and professionalism they showed to the 56 passengers onboard during the Blaxhall level crossing incident in April 2002.

EWS push environmental benefits of moving freight by rail

Keywords: [EWS]

On a recent edition of BBC Radio 4's 'You and Yours' programme, EWS planning director Graham Smith pushed the environmental case for rail freight claiming that compared with the equivalent journey by road, freight by rail produces:
* one seventh of the carbon monoxide
* one quarter of the nitrous oxide
* one fifth of the particulates
* half of the carbon dioxide.

Anglia Railways '2 for 1' offer with East Anglian Daily Times

Keywords: [AngliaRailways]

The Department for Tranport's patronage figures for UK light rail in 2001/2 year shows an increased of 6 per cent in passenger journeys from 119.6 million 127.3 million. The table below shows trends in millions of passenger journeys over the last 7 years:

                      Fin.Year___ |95/96 |96/97 |97/98 |98/99 |99/00 |00/01 |01/02 |% change
                      Docklands__ | 14.0 | 16.7 | 21.0 | 27.6 | 31.3 | 38.4 | 41.3 | 7.6
                      Tyne & Wear | 35.8 | 35.4 | 35.0 | 33.8 | 32.7 | 32.5 | 33.4 | 2.8
                      Manchester_ | 13.0 | 13.4 | 13.8 | 13.2 | 14.2 | 17.2 | 18.2 | 5.8
                      Sheffield__ | 05.0 | 07.8 | 09.2 | 10.4 | 10.9 | 11.1 | 11.4 | 2.7
                      Midland____ | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | 04.8 | 05.4 | 04.8 | -11.1
                      Croydon____ | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | 15.0 | 18.2 | 21.3
                      TOTAL______ | 67.8 | 73.3 | 79.0 | 85.0 | 93.9 |119.6 |127.3 | 6.4

Mid-Suffolk Light Railway receives grant to help extend its museum

Keywords: [MidSuffolkLightRailway]

The Mid-Suffolk Light Railway (established in 1990) has been granted a £15,000 grant towards a £80,000 scheme to extend its museum in Wetheringsett, near Stowmarket. The museum, which stands on the site of the former Wetheringsett and Brockford station, is now waiting to see if they have been successful with other bids, including one submitted to Suffolk County Council.

North Norfolk Railway also likely to receive grant for enhancements

Keywords: [NorthNorfolkRailway]

Norfolk County Council has awarded the North Norfolk Railway a grant of £120,000, with the East of England Development Agency adding a further £137,400 to improve the working conditions for staff and to improve the appearance of the railway to visitors, including re-roofing of Weybourne station. Both grants are conditional on the railway receiving a grant of £213,900 from the European Regional Development Fund.

At its AGM in mid-August, the NNR's Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association were amended to restrict its operations "within the county of Norfolk". This enables it to apply for grants specifically within the county which is being designated by the EC as socially deprived.

At Holt work on the foundations prior to the reconstruction of Stalham station building is in progress and a second platform is to be built around the station building.

Guardian website has Transport Statistics Bulletin for England and Wales

Al the road congestion statistics that a rail campaigner could possibly hope for are available on the Guardian newspaper's website (since 30th August) at: http://image.guardian.co.uk/sys-files/Guardian/documents/2002/08/30/rts01.pdf.

Railfuture East Anglia Branch News Snippets 99 - 02/09/2002

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How we spell Railfuture — singular, one word, one capital letter (can be abbreviated to Rf).