
East Anglia Branch News - Snippets Issue 93 - 05/06/2002

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News from the East Anglian Branch of Railfuture, edited by Martin Thorne and Jerry Alderson.

Railfuture News Snippets 93 - 05/06/2002

The next branch meeting will be on Saturday 13th July in Ipswich county library. The speaker will be Barry Woodgett from Suffolk county Council.

As mentioned in Snippets 92, there is a national Rail Passengers Council public meeting on Wednesday 12th June in Leeds. However, the venue has now been changed to Le Meridien Metropole. There is also a local RPC meeting in King's Lynn on 23rd July 2002.

Around 70 Railfuture members attended the Reopenings Conference in Derby on 25th May 2002. Journalist and columnist Christian Wolmar gave the keynote address, largely focusing on rail privatisation; Jonathan Hall from Nottinghamshire County explained how the Robin Hood line was reopened; and Malcolm Parker recounted the history behind plans for rail reopenings in Wales.

On Saturday 13th July, Bedfordshire Railway & Transport Association (BRTA), which has been working hard to support the East West Rail Link, will be holding its AGM and a public meeting in The Chapter House, St.Andrews Parish Church, Shortmead Street, Biggleswade at 13:30. Non-members are welcome.

GB Railways PLC have set a provisional date of 21st August 2002 somewhere in London for their AGM.

If any branch member is willing to write one or two letters to newspapers or politicians supporting branch campaigns, would they please contact Nick Dibben - [nick.dibben at railfuture.org.uk].

SRA announces that nine companies have pre-qualified for new combined 15-year Greater [East] Anglia franchise

The SRA have announced the following nine pre-qualified bidders for the Greater [East] Anglia franchise:
* GB Railways Group Plc (incumbent of 'Anglia Railways' franchise)
* Firstgroup plc (incumbent of 'First Great Eastern' franchise)
* National Express Group (incumbent of 'West Anglia Great Northern' franchise)
* Arriva Trains Ltd
* Connex Transport UK Ltd
* Great North Eastern Railway Ltd
* GOVIA (The Go Ahead Group plc and Keolis SA)
* NS/Dutch Railways
* Virgin Rail Group Ltd

Formal bidding will begin in Summer 2002, with the intention of signing a Franchise Agreement with the successful bidder in Summer 2003. The SRA has confirmed that the franchise will include the Stansted Express service, though the brand name is owned by National Express. There had been speculation that Stansted would be part of an airport express franchise.

RPC Eastern England launches consultation draft on strategic objectives for franchise

RPC for Eastern England has issued a document requesting comments on its strategic objectives for the new franchise. The glossy 8-page document is largely concerned with retaining and improving existing services. It suggests some new services, but does not elaborate on infrastructure improvements. There is no mention of passing loops, double-tracking, line reopenings, and the only new stations suggested are Chesterton Interchange "for Cambridge Science Park" (30 minutes walk away!) and Addenbrooke's Hospital.

The last day for consultation is 5th June, but comments can still be sent to Guy Dangerfield at the RPC - [guy.dangerfield at railpassengers.org.uk].

Railfuture seeks meetings with political parties to make the case for rail

Snippets readers will know that Alistair Darling is the new Secretary of State for Transport.

In a press release after Stephen Byers resigned and before Darling's appointment was announced, Railfuture called for "a new Transport Secretary who will be strong and give direction and get on with the many outstanding issues relating to future rail transport policy...who will keep a proper balance between road and rail."

Michael Caton and Peter Lawrence will be meeting Jim Steer and Chris Austin of the SRA in early July and it also hoped to arrange meetings with Teresa May the Conservative Shadow Transport Minister and also the Liberal Democrats spokesperson. Railfuture are also hoping to secure a meeting with Alistair Darling.

Anglia Railways all set for new Cambridge-Norwich service

Keywords: [CambridgeNorwichService]

Anglia Railways have confirmed that the Cambridge-Norwich service will commence at the start of the winter timetable on 29th September 2002. In late May, a group of regional journalists and key stakeholders (including the Fen Line Users Association) were invited to the Bombardier factory at Derby to view Anglia's four new Class 170 trains which are currently being built there.

SuperCAM consortium proceed with TWA application

The PR company working for the superCAM consortium have written to everyone who submitted comments on their scheme. Surprisingly it is not an entirely standard letter, as the reply acknowledges briefly the points being made, but then goes on to say "it is not possible to respond in detail to the points you have made at this time".

The consortium will support its TWA application in 2002 - possibly in Summer - and this will allow just SIX WEEKS for objections after this date. In Spring 2003 there will be a public inquiry, at which any of the objectors may present their objection in person to the independent inspector chairing the public inquiry. The consortium hope that the secretary of state will decide in their favour early in 2004.

If you wish to be kept informed of developments, please contact Richard Sutcliffe-Smith of the PR company Communiqué - [mrichard at communique-pr.uk.com].

ECML reopens after Fatal train accident at Potters Bar

The East Coast Main Line reopened on the evening of Sunday 19th May, 9 days after the accident, and five days after Railtrack were allowed full access to the line. The points have been replaced with plain line, with a 20 mph TSR in place.

National newspaper claims that Great Eastern Mainline is unsafe

Keywords: [GreatEasternMainline]

Following the Potters Bar media frenzy, the Mirror newspaper highlighted a series of faults on the Great Eastern line, alleging that 30 faults were found between Colchester and Liverpool Street Station.

Calming the situation, Maurice Austin from the Rail Passengers' Committee said, "Nothing that has been issued in the Mirror today is new. We were told by Railtrack a few weeks ago and indeed by the zone director that a lot of work needed to be done on the whole of the Great Eastern line and they are indeed doing that and that is why there are so many weekend closures when buses replace trains."

Railtrack issued a statement saying: "Experienced and senior engineers have studied the photos [in the Mirror] and although they show track in a less than ideal state they do not represent an immediate safety risk". FGE issued a press release on 20th May saying that it had total confidence in Railtrack's ability to maintain the track.

STEER calls for Essex services to use the new Cross London Rail Link

Sustainable Transport for the Eastern Region (STEER) has called for half-hourly trains from Ipswich, Manningtree, Colchester, Witham and Chelmsford to join the proposed Liverpool Street to Paddingrin CLRL line, and has won the immediate support of Tim Yeo, the Conservative MP for Suffolk South.

Crossrail's website said long-distance destinations such as Colchester "have been discarded. Crossrail is seen as a high-density distributor route with the regeneration potential for depressed areas of inner London a key factor." But STEER'S co-ordinator John Brodribb said: "A peculiar idea seems to have grown up that Crossrail trains cannot run past Shenfield. This is totally untrue. In reality, it will be readily possible to run a reasonable number of trains from the Ipswich/Colchester and Southend lines without an extra infrastructure works being needed at all ? except that large numbers of trains could not be run the Monday-Friday peaks."

Anglia Railways 2 for 1 leisure travel if you register your details with them

Keywords: [AngliaRailways]

Until the end of June 2002, Anglia Railways are offering anyone who registers their details on the http://www.angliarailways.co.uk website a special 2 for 1 Leisure Advance ticket for Sunday travel to and from London Liverpool Street from any station served by Anglia Railways trains.

London to Ipswich multi-modal study launches "Moving Forward" exhibitions

Between 15th April and 4th May, the LOIS multi-modal study held a series of exhibitions, and issued an information pack, which detailed many of the ideas with cost estimates. Some of the rail schemes listed are as follows:
* Stansted rail link - e.g. to Braintree - though a guided bus alternative was also listed
* Four tracking of Great Eastern line between Shenfield and Colchester (approx. £250m)
* Four tracking of Great Eastern line between Colchester and Ipswich (approx. £200m)
* Thameslink-style service from Essex for new Cross London Rail Link
* New Essex rail stations at Springfield, Beaulieu Park, Boreham, Stanway and Essex University (each £1.5m-£3m)
* Increase of loading gauge west of Ipswich and height clearance at Ipswich tunnel to aid freight movements
* Support for the East West Rail Link

Schemes which LOIS rejected included double-deck trains and six-tracking of Liverpool Street to Shenfield.

The consultation period finished at the end of May 2002, but the study team can still be contacted via email: [lois-mms at mottmac.com].

Exhibitions for London to South Midlands multi-modal study

A series of exhibitions by the London to South Midlands multi-modal study will explain how they came to their conclusions and allow the public to explain where, in their opinion, the study got it wrong and where the strategy could be improved.

Exhibitions in the branch area are as follows:
* Cambridge Gonville Hotel, Gonville Place, Cambridge CB1 1LY - 27th June 15:00-2000, 28th 10:00-18:00
* Parsonage Community Hall, 57 Rochford Road, Bishops Stortford CM23 5EU - 6th July 12:00-20:00
* Priory Centre, Priory Lane, St Neots PE19 2BH - 11th July 12:00-20:00, 12th 10:00-18:00.

The Summer 2000 newsletter http://www.lsmmultimodal.com/summer2002.pdf contains more information. The Luton-Dunstable rail line is within the boundary of the study, but is not mentioned. However, a possible Bedford-Northampton railway line is mentioned.

South Coast multi-modal study out for consultation.

Outside of the branch area, but rail campaigners may be interested to know that the South Coast Multi-Modal Study "Preferred Strategy" is out for consultation. Friends of the Earth has worked with other groups to produce a briefing on what's good and bad about the strategy and have also put a completed questionnaire on their website for people to modify as they wish, click and send.

Nick Dibben represented branch on BBC2's East at Westminster

Branch secretary Nick Dibben appeared on BBC2's live "East at Westminster" programme on Sunday 19th May with Rail magazine news editor Philip Haigh in the Norwich studio, overlooked by Cambs County Councillor Shona Johnstone in the Cambridge studio. Although the programme focused on safety and improved services, the East West Rail Link and the Wisbech branch were mentioned.

Because of the lack of early trains on Sundays, Nick and presenter James Blatch both had to drive to Norwich and Mr Haigh went by taxi from Peterborough!

Major improvements for Burnham station

First Great Eastern has announced plans for major improvements to Burnham station in partnership with the SRA, Maldon District Council and Burnham District Council.

There will be improved security and better station facilities, with a refurbished ticket office and a new adjoining waiting area. Access will be improved through disabled parking spaces, bicycle stands, bus lay-by and coach parking, a flight of steps onto the station for pedestrians accessing the station from the railway bridge.

Work will begin in June with completion expected in late August. The station will continue to operate whilst building work is in process.

Holt, Melton Constable and Fakenham Railway Company produce reopening leaflet

Keywords: [NorfolkOrbitalRailway]

You can obtain a professional leaflet on the Norfolk Orbital Railway, produced in May 2002, by writing to The Holt, Melton Constable and Fakenham Railway Co Ltd, The Railway Institute, Melton Constable, Norfolk, NR24 2DA, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope. Annual membership for £17, which gives detailed information and studies, can be obtained from the same address.

The Orbital Railway has received the support of Norfolk County Council, Norfolk Rail Policy Group, various district and parish councils and the East of England Development Agency.

Cambridge-Sudbury Rail Renewal Association meets transport minister

CSRRA had a meeting with Tony Spellar, Transport Minister in May and got a photo opportunity as they handed over their 10,000 signature petition. Haverhill is to get a 6,400 jobs business park - planning permission was around the same time - and this may improve the viability of a Haverhill-Cambridge and beyond service.

First wedding at North Norfolk Railway's Weybourne station

Keywords: [NorthNorfolkRailway]

Weybourne held its first wedding on Saturday 25th May! The station was recently granted a licence as a location where weddings can be held.

First Great Eastern improve their website

Keywords: [FirstGreatEastern]

FGE have revamped their http://www.ger.co.uk website. It now has a simple "common fares" ticket search from selected stations, with a list of facilities (e.g. car parking, bus interchange, taxi rank, opening hours, toilets, telephone, newsagents, cash dispensers etc.).

Railfuture East Anglia Branch News Snippets 93 - 05/06/2002

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Railfuture is a non-profit making pro-rail campaiging organsaiton, which is run entirely by unpaid volunteeers, incluoding production of Rail News Snippets for the East Anglian branch of Railfuture.

How we spell Railfuture — singular, one word, one capital letter (can be abbreviated to Rf).