News from the East Anglian Branch of Railfuture, edited by Martin Thorne and Jerry Alderson.
Railfuture News Snippets 49 - 12/02/2001
- ROAD CONGESTION [all issues]
- Cambridgeshire Country Council and Peterborough City Council public consultation on population growth
- Cambridge Futures seminar on transport for Cambridge
- RAIL FRANCHISES [all issues]
- National Express Group to retain Great Northern route
- Central Trains to retain franchise for full seven-year term
- AIRPORT LINKS [all issues]
- Railfuture promotes Stansted-Braintree rail link at conference
- Stansted station could be busier thanks to US flights
- STATIONS [all issues]
- EAST WEST RAIL LINK [all issues]
- SRA finances new station on Oxford-Bristol route
- Forest Heath remain in Consortium
- Compensation for homeowners near Bicester-Bletchley line
- RAIL MEETINGS [all issues]
- RAIL IN THE MEDIA [all issues]
Cambridgeshire Country Council and Peterborough City Council public consultation on population growth
The two-month long public consultation on how to deal with anticipated 60,000 population growth in Cambridgeshire over the next 15 years has begun. The planners are keen to know whether the availability of public transport should be a key factor in determining where they are built, and whether people want better roads and village bypasses improved public transport. The primary concern for all local authorities is road gridlock, where there is insufficient roadspace to cater for cars and lorries especially a peak time.
Report and exhibition timetable:
The findings will be incorporated into the county's structure plan. A booklet and CD-Rom (which includes a 'planning game') is available by emailing [charterline at]. Alternatively, you can submit your views through the council's website at
Cambridge Futures seminar on transport for Cambridge
Cambridge Futures are holding an afternoon seminar on Friday 2nd March 2001 called "What Transport for Cambridge? - A proposal for a major new study"
It is being held at the Wolfson Hall, Churchill College from 14:30 until 18:30. Professor Marcial Echenique will present outline proposals for their second research project, which will look into the future of transportation in the Cambridge sub-region & for which views will be sought. The main object of this study will be the analysis of the options for transport in the region for the next 30-50 years.
National Express Group to retain Great Northern route
WAGN will not be giving up its Great Northern franchise on 31st March 2001 as originally planned. The franchise replacement was been delayed following the Hatfield crash, and the SRA has since announced that NEG will keep the whole WAGN franchise until 30th April 2004.
Central Trains to retain franchise for full seven-year term
Keywords: [CentralTrains]
The SRA has also announced that National Express Group's Central Trains operator will retain its franchise until 2004, following its rejection of the replacement proposals suggested by National Express Group PLC and Group 4/Falck Global Solutions Ltd. | ![]() |
Richard Brown, Commercial Director, National Express was said to be disappointed that their "innovative and exciting ideas" submitted in July 2000 were rejected, as "halting [the refranchising] process is not in the interests of Central Trains passengers who will see a delay in improvement to services".
Railfuture promotes Stansted-Braintree rail link at conference
Keywords: [StanstedBraintree]
Peter Byrne of Railfuture was scheduled to speak at the North West Essex Rail Strategy Group meeting at the Braintree Council Offices on 12th February. According to a press release, he was to argue that a new A120 road between Braintree and Stansted would cost £120m but the line could be built for only £50m. The meeting which has been instigated by partners Essex County Council, British Airports Authority and Railtrack will be held in camera.
Stansted station could be busier thanks to US flights
The number of people taking the train to Stansted could grow even more when Newlines Airways and Continental introduce their flights to New York later this year.
Waterbeach station car park flooded
Keywords: [WaterbeachStation]
The banks of the river burst at 11:00 on Tuesday 6th February causing the station car park to be flooded. Commuters returning that evening found their cars deep in water and unable to start.
In a rare demonstration of customer care by WAGN, deputy station manager Graham Ellingham met commuters off the trains to break the bad news. Part of the car park remained flooded for several days. The rail line was unaffected.
SRA finances new station on Oxford-Bristol route
On 1st February - its first day without a shadow - the SRA announced £1.28m funding for a new £2.4m station in Corsham in Wiltshire. Whether this implies support for the rest of the East West rail link remains to be seen.
Details: RPP.htm.
Forest Heath remain in Consortium
Forest Heath District Council's Forward Planning and Economic Development Committee have now paid last year's £3,000 contribution to the East-West consortium. It was the only authority along the route which had not paid and risked dropping out.
Compensation for homeowners near Bicester-Bletchley line
A few homeowners near the mothballed Bicester-Bletchley line claim to have been sent leaflets outlining compensation for decrease in house value owing to disturbance by rail traffic. In some cases this has approximated 5% of current market value.
Rail Passengers Council to hold a 'Learning Lessons From Hatfield' event in London
The RPC will be holding a public meeting on Wednesday 14th March 2001 between 10:30 and 16:00 at the Congress Centre in Congress House, Great Russell Street, London.
BBC-1 Panorama programme "The Wrong Track".
This programme was broadcast on Sunday 4th February. For anyone who missed it, there is a repeat with signing for the deaf on Thursday 15th February at 01:30 - 02:10. A full transcript is available on the BBC News website:
North Norfolk Railway holds Extraordinary General Meeting on 10th February
Keywords: [NorthNorfolkRailway]
At the meeting attended by 140 shareholders, members and volunteers, the railway's constitution was amended to allow it to be eligible to bid for National Lottery funds. Further share allotments were authorised, enabling a share issue to take place as predicted in [Snippets 48].
Railfuture East Anglia Branch News Snippets 49 - 12/02/2001
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Railfuture is a non-profit making pro-rail campaiging organsaiton, which is run entirely by unpaid volunteeers, incluoding production of Rail News Snippets for the East Anglian branch of Railfuture.
How we spell Railfuture — singular, one word, one capital letter (can be abbreviated to Rf).