
East Anglia Branch News - Snippets Issue 16 - 07/11/1999

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News from the East Anglian Branch of Railfuture, edited by Martin Thorne and Jerry Alderson.

Railfuture News Snippets 16 - 07/11/1999

Railfuture has a stand at the Model Railway Exhibition being held at North Gate Sports Centre, Ipswich on Saturday, 13th November and Sunday 14th November 1999, and will hopefully acquire some new members.

Railfuture opened its own London Office on Monday 1st November 1999 but with limited facilities. We are renting a room and our Campaigns Director Alix Stredwick will normally work there on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Editor's note: the office (which was at Roman House, 9/10 College Terrace, London E3 5AN) subsequently moved and has since been closed.

WAGN boss featured in BBC-2's "Back to the Floor"

Keywords: [WAGN]

People: [Giles Fearnley]

On Thursday, 11 November 1999, the BBC-2 documentary series "Back to the Floor" will feature multi-millionaire Prism Rail boss Giles Fearnley, who will spend a week as Platform Supervisor at WAGN controlled Cambridge Station, where he has to deal with angry passengers.

Railfuture has an involvement in BBC Rail Week programmes

The BBC are running at national and local level a series of radio and television programmes on a variety of rail subjects during the week of 29th November to 3th December 1999. Railfuture understands that it is intended to have features on You and Yours (Radio 4), a Radio 5 phone-in and special features on Panorama, Newsnight and the Money Programme.

WAGN and Anglia Railways have, we believe, recorded a programme for BBC East to be shown on 2nd December. This is probably in the "Matter of Fact" series. A BBC researcher has been in contact with RDS East Anglia branch.

Railfuture East Anglia has been invited to take part in a programme recording next week on Community Rail Partnerships.

Railfuture gets observer status in local authority rail meetings

The Railfuture East Anglia branch now has 'observer status' on Cambridgeshire County Council Rail Policy Group, Norfolk County Council Rail Policy Group and Suffolk County Council Rail Policy Group. The branch will also be represented at the next meeting of the Stansted Airport Area Transport Forum.

Cambridge to Sudbury Rail Renewal Association public meeting in Haverhill

On Wednesday 3rd November 1999 the Cambridge to Sudbury Rail Renewal Association held a meeting in Haverhill to promte its vision of a reopened railway line linking the West Anglia and Great Eastern mainlines.

Peterborough-Norwich Rail Users Group holds its AGM

On Saturday 20th November 1999 PENRUG will hold a meeting at The Kempen Room, The Maltings, Ely commencing at 11:15. As usual, this event shares the meeting room with FLUA, which will hold its AGM in the afternoon.

Fen Line Users Association AGM

Keywords: [FLUA]

On Saturday 20th November 1999 FLUA will hold its AGM (primarily for members but open to the public) as The Kempen Room, The Maltings, Ely commencing at 14:00. The guest speaker is David Bartram, Chairman, Central RUCC. Refreshments will be served.

Railfuture East Anglia branch meeting

On Saturday 27th November 1999 Railfuture East Anglia will hold a public meeting at Little St. Mary's Hall, Cambridge at 14:00. There will be a guest speaker from West Anglia Great Northern (WAGN) railway.

Lack of cycle racks at Cambridge station is officially acknowledged

Keywords: [CambridgeStation]

Cambridgeshire County Council have admitted that however many cycle spaces are provided at Cambridge Station there will never be enough to meet demand.

Luton to Dunstable rail line threatened by guided busway

Keywords: [LutonDunstableBusway]

Bedfordshire and Luton have formally launched a £30m - £40m project for a guided busway on the disused branch line, which was used for freight until the late 1980s. However, at a recent forum for bus operators, Arriva, who are the dominant local company and were expected to come forward as the most likely operator, were decidedly luke warm. Rejection of a Transport and Works Act application for a similar rapid transit type service in Liverpool may have been the cause.

The local authorities have indicated that they would be interested to receive an outline proposal from Clayton - PPM for the route. PPM are now seeking consortium partners so that a bid can be made using their Ultra Light Rail Technology. It would appear to have a number of advantages; in service in less than 12 months; no major civil or electrical work necessary; completion at a fraction of the GBW costs; much lower running costs.

Railtrack announces a 5% increase in its profits

People: [Peter Lawrence]

As expected, a 5% increase in profits was announced by Railtrack PLC this week.

Peter Lawrence, East Anglia branch chairman, was contacted by Radio Broadland, BBC Radio Norfolk and Radio Essex for the Railfuture view point. He strongly emphasised the point that Railtrack needs to invest more of its profits into the railway network to enable it to grow rather than primarily seeking external funding, which requires effort and delays projects.

Railfuture East Anglia Branch News Snippets 16 - 07/11/1999

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Railfuture is a non-profit making pro-rail campaiging organsaiton, which is run entirely by unpaid volunteeers, incluoding production of Rail News Snippets for the East Anglian branch of Railfuture.

How we spell Railfuture — singular, one word, one capital letter (can be abbreviated to Rf).