Transport planners are being told by the Government they should in future give priority to people instead of trying to improve the flow of traffic.

They should also provide more road space for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport in town centres and local neighbourhoods.

The new approach is outlined in PPG13 - planning, policy guidance number 13 - which was issued on 27 March 2001.

PPG13 also calls for disabled people's needs - when they walk or use public transport - to be taken into account.

As a way of persuading developers to provide better access for walkers, cyclists and public transport users, the Government now requires local councils to ask for transport assessments.

PPG13 should help rail and public transport campaigners to question local authorities when they try to implement car-orientated developments.

Not only will the new approach help individuals, it should also boost local economies. Research in many areas, including the lake District, shows that tourists travelling by public transport invest more in local communities, like cafes and shops.

Not only do public transport users save us all from more pollution of the environment, they also help to suatain the local economy.

PPG13 is available at