
Railfuture volunteer activities

Railfuture station surveys

A good way to collate evidence as part of a campaign to improve stations is to carry out a station survey.

The Railfuture 'Station Facilities Survey Form' (produced in 2020), which requires detailed answers to questions, should be used by branches and other Railfuture volunteers:
  • Official survey form: VIEW or DOWNLOAD (10-page PDF file - 356kB)
  • Advice from Network Rail here

There is also a 130-question yes/no checklist that can be used for simpler surveys (e.g. for scoring) by RUGs and other organisations:
  • Simpler survey form: VIEW or DOWNLOAD (4-page PDF file - 183kB)

Railfuture passenger counts

When conducting station passenger counts, either as part of a Railfuture activity or whilst visiting a station, the counts should be recorded in a systematic way to aid collation.

These forms are suitable for handing out at branch meetings, or with branch newsletters, or on the back of branch meeting flyers.

Please note: if Railfuture volunteers undertake a formal count, which involves being present at a station for a length of time, then approval needs to be obtained from the train operator. Otherwise you may be in breach of railway byelaws. Advice from Network Rail here.

See also Station usage estimates from the Office of Rail Regulation. These have been proved unreliable, particularly in the London and other city areas, but at least give campaigners a starting point.

Railfuture media representation

Members who speak to the press or media, edit the website or post on social media on behalf of Railfuture must agree the Media Guidelines and Policy with the Railfuture National Media Spokesman.

The ACORP social media guidance document is extremely easy to use and helpful.

Railfuture website

This section is designed to help Railfuture members who volunteer to update the Railfuture website. Before you do anything, remember your ABC:

Accuracy Don't insult people by misspelling their names. Double-check every name before you put it on the website. The same goes for organisation names and document titles. Make sure you get it right. Try to get someone else to proofread your material before you upload it.

Brevity Don't waste people's time with long words and complicated sentences. Don't put in too many details unless they are very important. But give people information about where they can find more detailed information if they want it.

Clarity Make sure your sentences are simple and clear. You should not try to impress people with your writing style or intellect. Make clear what you are saying with simple words that everyone can understand.

Remember you must be fair and accurate in your content. Websites are subject to the law of defamation: Defamation Act 2013

For more information:

Style Guide

View or download the Railfuture Website Guide for Branch Tiki Users.

Railfuture documents

We aim to ensure that all documents published by Railfuture have a consistent, professional appearance. Click here to download our Publication Guidelines. Railfuture templates should be used for all documents published by Railfuture - these are available to registered users only, if you have not not already logged in you will be asked to log in when you click to download :
All documents created or received by Railfuture should be given a document reference so that they can be stored and retrieved - click here to download the definition of the document reference scheme, including the format of the document reference.

Railfuture logos can be downloaded here.

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