The Railfuture "rail development" summer conference was held at The Albemarle Centre, Taunton TA1 1BA on 3 July 2010 from 11.00 to 16.30.
You can download a programme for the conference here.
Taunton programme (PDF 300kB)
Topics included the Southampton to West Midlands freight upgrade and loading gauge enhancement, freight terminal development, rail freight campaigning, major projects, Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership, Severnside Community Rail Partnership
There were presentations from various organisations including First Great Western and the Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership. The keynote speakers were:
Charles Varey, Network Rail
Topic: Southampton to West Midlands freight upgrade and loading gauge enhancement
Nick Gallop, rail consultant
Topic: Freight terminal development
Cost was: £20 (includes buffet lunch and refreshments).
The Railfuture "rail development" summer conference was held at The Albemarle Centre, Taunton TA1 1BA on 3 July 2010 from 11.00 to 16.30.
You can download a programme for the conference here.
Taunton programme (PDF 300kB)
Topics included the Southampton to West Midlands freight upgrade and loading gauge enhancement, freight terminal development, rail freight campaigning, major projects, Devon and Cornwall Rail Partnership, Severnside Community Rail Partnership
There were presentations from various organisations including First Great Western and the Devon & Cornwall Rail Partnership. The keynote speakers were:
Charles Varey, Network Rail
Topic: Southampton to West Midlands freight upgrade and loading gauge enhancement
Nick Gallop, rail consultant
Topic: Freight terminal development
Cost was: £20 (includes buffet lunch and refreshments).