This page a list (sorted into groups) of image files (for content containing 'fare') that can be viewed (if your browser has the facility) or downloaded.
Railfuture has 12 branches in England plus Wales and Scotland which are involved in local issues and come together to support Railfuture on national campaigns. Click on [BRANCHES] to see details of them (and click [NEWSLETTERS] for a list of latest newsletter for all branches).
If your browser is not configured to view a file then click the 'file size' to download it.
Graphics, Diagrams and Computer Generated Images
- Passenger
- Railway News Analysis and Graphics
- 02/01/2016 - Impact of RPI rather CPI for Annual Rail Fare Increases (133kB)
- BBC Graphic of rail fare increases over time (27kB)
- Railfuture analysis of regulated fare increases since 2005 compared to consumer inflation measured by CPI (104kB)
- Railfuture analysis of regulated fare increases since 2005 comparing use of RPI as a basis versus CPI (120kB)
- International
- Buy a CIV ticket (for the imaginary 'London International') to St Pancras to guarantee your right to travel if you are delayed (99kB)
- When booking Eurostar check the fares for all classes to get the cheapest fare (65kB)
- 17/01/2016 - Passengers board a German Meridian train to Munich through a single door where tickets are inspected (64kB)
- Passenger
- Tickets
Click on one of the image files shown above (click [LIST] for all types) or click [DOCUMENTS] to view other types of files